"""Representation of experimental data.
DataPoint -- class for kinematical points, possibly representing measurements
DataSet -- container for DataPoint instances
dset -- dictionary with public datasets
from __future__ import annotations
import copy
import importlib_resources
import math
import os
import re
from typing import Union, List
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from . import kinematics
from .constants import Mp, Mp2
from .datasets import (DIS, en2engamma, ep2epgamma, gammastarp2gammap,
process_class_map = {
'ep2epgamma': 'DVCS',
'en2engamma': 'DVCS',
'gammastarp2gammap': 'DVCS',
'gammastarp2rho0p': 'DVMP',
'gammastarp2phip': 'DVMP',
'gammastarp2Vp': 'DVMP',
'dis': 'DIS'
def loaddata(resource):
"""Return dictionary {id : DataSet, ...} out of files in resource package."""
data = {}
files = importlib_resources.files(resource).iterdir()
for file in files:
if file.suffix == '.dat':
dataset = DataSet(datafile=file.read_text())
for pt in dataset:
data[dataset.id] = dataset
return data
class KinematicsError(Exception):
"""Exception thrown when kinematics is unphysical."""
class DataPoint(dict):
"""Kinematical point. May correspond to actual measurement.
xB (float): Bjorken x_B
t (float): momentum transfer to target squared
Q2 (float): Q^2
phi (float): azimuthal angle
FTn (int): harmonic of azimuthal angle, e.g. -1 for sin(phi)
observable (str): name of the measured observable
val (float): measurement value
err (float): total uncertainty of `val`
units (dict): pysical units of variables
kindict (dict): for old, alternative passing of kinematics values,
like ``g.DataPoint({'xB': 0.1, 't': -0.2, 'Q2': 4.0})``
There are other args as well.
>>> pt = g.DataPoint(xB=0.1, t=-0.2, Q2=4.0)
`kindict` is temporarily kept for backward compatibility.
You should not rely on it.
def __init__(self, kindict: dict = None, **kwargs):
# Just list some allowed attributes to help mypy:
# -- Kinematics --
self.xB = None
self.xi = None
self.j = None
self.t = None
self.Q2 = None
# from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4984647/
super(DataPoint, self).__init__()
self.__dict__ = self
if kindict:
# calculate other determined kinematic variables:
def prepare(self):
"""Pre-calculate some functions of kinematics."""
def copy(self):
"""Copy the DataPoint object."""
# Do we need copy.deepcopy?
new = copy.copy(self)
new.__dict__ = new
return new
def update_from_grid(self, gridline, dataset):
"""Take data gridline, and update point atributes.
gridline (list): list constructed from one row of data grid in data file.
dataset (:obj:`DataSet`): container that is to contain this `DataPoint`
It is assumed that data gridline is of the form::
x1 x2 .... y1 y1stat y1syst
where `y1syst` need not be present, or can have one or two values,
`syst+` and `syst-` (Further elements are ignored.)
This passing of higher-level DataSet as argument sounds wrong!
(See comment about aquisition in class docstring.)
# from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4984647/
# we want accessibility via both attributes and dict keys
super(DataPoint, self).__init__()
self.__dict__ = self
self.errtypes = ['err', 'errminus', 'errplus', 'errstat', 'errsyst', 'errnorm']
# 1. Put reference to container into attribute
self.dataset = dataset
# 2. Put data into attributes
# 2a. first acquire also attributes of parent DataSet
# 2b. x-axes
for name in self.xnames:
nameindex = int(name[1:].split('name')[0]) # = 1, 0, 2, ...
xname = getattr(self, name) # = 't', 'xB', ...
xval = getattr(self, 'x' + str(nameindex) + 'value') # = 0.1
if isinstance(xval, float) or isinstance(xval, int):
# we have global instead of grid value
setattr(self, xname, xval) # pt.xB = 0.1, pt.FTn = 1, ...
# take value from the grid
columnindex = int(xval.split('column')[1])-1 # = 1, 0, 2, ...
setattr(self, xname, gridline[columnindex]) # pt.xB = gridline[1]
# 2c. y-axis
self.val = gridline[int(self.y1value.split('column')[1])-1]
# 2d. y-axis errors
if 'y1error' in self: # we are given total error already
self.err = gridline[int(self.y1error.split('column')[1])-1]
self.errplus = self.err
self.errminus = self.err
# we have to add various contributions. We do addition of variances:
# stat = statsym + max(stat+,stat-)
# syst_uncorr = systsym + max(syst+,syst-)
# syst = syst_uncorr + norm
# err = stat + syst # This is used for fitting chisq
# Following two are used for pulls:
# err+ = statsym + stat+ + systsym + syst+ + norm
# err- = statsym + stat- + systsym + syst- + norm
varstat = 0
varsyst = 0 # uncorrelated syst err
varsym = 0
varplus = 0
varminus = 0
varnorm = 0
# 1. statistical error
if 'y1errorstatistic' in self:
es = gridline[int(self.y1errorstatistic.split('column')[1])-1]**2
varstat += es
varsym += es
if 'y1errorstatisticplus' in self:
ep = gridline[int(self.y1errorstatisticplus.split('column')[1])-1]**2
em = gridline[int(self.y1errorstatisticminus.split('column')[1])-1]**2
varstat += max(ep, em)
varplus += ep
varminus += em
# 2. systematic error
if 'y1errorsystematic' in self:
es = gridline[int(self.y1errorsystematic.split('column')[1])-1]**2
varsyst += es
varsym += es
if 'y1errorsystematicplus' in self:
ep = gridline[int(self.y1errorsystematicplus.split('column')[1])-1]**2
em = gridline[int(self.y1errorsystematicminus.split('column')[1])-1]**2
varsyst += max(ep, em)
varplus += ep
varminus += em
# 3. normalization error (specified as percentage)
if 'y1errornormalization' in self:
varnorm += (self.y1errornormalization * self.val)**2
# 4. TOTAL errors
self.errplus = math.sqrt(varsym + varplus + varnorm)
self.errminus = math.sqrt(varsym + varminus + varnorm)
self.errstat = math.sqrt(varstat)
self.errsyst = math.sqrt(varsyst + varnorm)
self.errnorm = math.sqrt(varnorm)
# FIXME: One needs to make a choice here and we go conservative
self.err = math.sqrt(varstat + varsyst + varnorm)
# alternative:
# self.err = (self.errplus+self.errminus)/2.
# 2e. calculate standard kinematical variables
# 2f. polarizations
# Unpolarized in1 particle
if 'in1polarization' not in self:
self.in1polarization = 0
# For transversaly polarized target set, if needed and
# if not already set, by default take dominant sine-varphi harmonic
if ('in2polarizationvector' in self and self.in2polarizationvector == 'T' and
'varFTn' not in self):
self.varFTn = -1
def __repr__(self):
"""Print something useful."""
return "DataPoint: " + self.observable + " = " + str(self.val)
except AttributeError:
return "DataPoint"
def to_conventions(self):
"""Transform datapoint into gepard's conventions."""
if hasattr(self, 'val'):
self.origval = self.val # to remember it for later convenience
if hasattr(self, 'errtypes'):
for errtype in self.errtypes:
if hasattr(self, errtype):
setattr(self, 'orig'+errtype, getattr(self, errtype))
# C1. azimutal angle phi should be in radians.
if 'phi' in self and hasattr(self, 'units') and self.units['phi'][:3] == 'deg':
self.phi = self.phi * math.pi / 180.
self.newunits['phi'] = 'rad'
# C2. phi_{Trento} -> (pi - phi_{BKM})
if 'frame' in self and self.frame == 'Trento':
if 'phi' in self:
self.phi = math.pi - self.phi
elif 'FTn' in self:
if self.FTn == 1 or self.FTn == 3 or self.FTn == -2:
self.val = - self.val
# C3. varphi_{Trento} -> (varphi_{BKM} + pi)
if 'varphi' in self:
self.varphi = self.varphi - math.pi
elif 'varFTn' in self:
if self.varFTn == 1 or self.varFTn == -1:
self.val = - self.val
raise ValueError('varFTn = {} not allowed. Only +/-1!'.format(
self.newframe = 'BMK'
# C4. cross-sections should be in nb
if hasattr(self, 'units') and self.units[self.observable] == 'pb/GeV^4':
self.val = self.val/1000
for errtype in self.errtypes:
if hasattr(self, errtype):
err = getattr(self, errtype)
setattr(self, errtype, err/1000)
self.newunits[self.observable] = 'nb/GeV^4'
def from_conventions(self):
"""Transform stuff from Approach's conventions into original data's."""
# C4. cross-sections should be in nb
if hasattr(self, 'units') and self.units[self.observable] == 'pb/GeV^4':
self.val = self.val*1000
for errtype in self.errtypes:
if hasattr(self, errtype):
err = getattr(self, errtype)
setattr(self, errtype, err*1000)
# C2. phi_{BKM} -> (pi - phi_{Trento})
if 'frame' in self and self.frame == 'Trento':
if 'phi' in self:
self.phi = math.pi - self.phi
elif 'FTn' in self:
if self.FTn == 1 or self.FTn == 3:
self.val = - self.val
# C3. varphi_{Trento} -> (varphi_{BKM} + pi)
if 'varphi' in self:
self.varphi = self.varphi + math.pi
elif 'varFTn' in self:
if self.varFTn == 1 or self.varFTn == -1:
self.val = - self.val
self.newframe = 'Trento'
# C1. azimutal angle phi back to degrees
if 'phi' in self and hasattr(self, 'units') and self.units['phi'][:3] == 'deg':
self.phi = self.phi / math.pi * 180.
def orig_conventions(self, val):
"""Like from_conventions, but for the prediction val."""
# This doesn't touches self
# C4. cross-sections nb --> pb
if hasattr(self, 'units') and self.units[self.observable] == 'pb/GeV^4':
val = val*1000
# C2. phi_{BKM} --> (pi - phi_{Trento})
if 'frame' in self and self.frame == 'Trento' and 'FTn' in self:
if self.FTn == 1 or self.FTn == 3 or self.FTn == -2:
val = - val
if 'frame' in self and self.frame == 'Trento' and 'varFTn' in self:
if self.varFTn == 1 or self.varFTn == -1:
val = - val
return val
class DataSet(list):
"""A container for `DataPoint` instances.
datapoints (list): list of :obj:`DataPoint` instances
datafile (str): data file to be parsed, represented as string
Either take explicit list of DataPoints or get them by parsing datafile.
Information that is common to all data of a given dataset (i.e.
which is contained in a preamble of datafile is accessible
via attributes:
observable (str): name of observable measured
collaboration (str): name of experimenatal collaboration
units (dict): pysical units of variables
newunits (dict): internal pysical units of variables
There are other attributes as well.
def __init__(self, datapoints=None, datafile=None):
if datapoints:
list.__init__(self, datapoints)
# we have datafile
preamble, data = self.parse(datafile)
# Create needed attributes before creating `DataPoint`s
# Preamble stuff goes into attributes
for key in preamble:
try: # try to convert to number everything that is number
setattr(self, key, _str2num(preamble[key]))
except ValueError: # rest stays as is
setattr(self, key, preamble[key])
# Extracting names of x-axes variables and observable
# xnames = ['x1name', 'x2name', ...], not necessarily sorted!
# xaxes = ['t', 'xB', ...]
self.xnames = [key for key in preamble if re.match(r'^x\dname$', key)]
self.xaxes = [preamble[key] for key in self.xnames]
self.observable = preamble['y1name']
# Good to have:
self.filename = os.path.split(datafile)[-1]
# Following dictionary will contain units for everything
# i.e. {'phi' : 'degrees', 't' : 'GeV^2', ...}
self.units = dict((preamble[key], preamble[key[:2]+'unit'])
for key in self.xnames)
self.units[self.observable] = preamble['y1unit']
# Following dictionary will have units which are changed so that match
# units used for internal theoretical formulas
self.newunits = {}
# charge of first particle FIXME: just electron treated
if self.in1particle in ['e+', 'ep']: # positron
self.in1charge = +1
elif self.in1particle in ['e', 'e-', 'em']:
self.in1charge = -1
# Mandelstam s, if specified
if self.process in ['ep2epgamma', 'en2engamma', 'dis']:
if self.exptype == 'fixed target':
self.s = 2 * Mp * self.in1energy + Mp2
elif self.exptype == 'collider':
self.s = 2 * self.in1energy * (self.in2energy + math.sqrt(
self.in2energy**2 - Mp2)) + Mp2
pass # FIXME: raise error
except AttributeError:
if hasattr(self, 'process'):
self.process_class = process_class_map[self.process]
for gridline in data:
pt = DataPoint()
pt.update_from_grid(gridline, self)
def __add__(self, rhs):
"""Add datasets.
rhs (:obj:`DataSet`): dataset to be appended
joined dataset
return DataSet(datapoints=list.__add__(self, rhs))
def __repr__(self):
"""Pretty-print dataset."""
return 'DataSet with {} points'.format(len(self))
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Get an element of dataset i.e. datapoint."""
# From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2936863/
if isinstance(key, slice):
lst = [self[k] for k in range(*key.indices(len(self)))]
tmp = DataSet(lst)
tmp.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() # transfer the attributes
return tmp
elif isinstance(key, int):
return list.__getitem__(self, key)
raise TypeError("Invalid argument type.")
def __getslice__(self, start, end):
"""Get a range of elements."""
# This is called by [:], while [::] calls __getitem__()
if start >= len(self):
raise IndexError("""%s has only %d items and your slice
starts at %d""" % (self, len(self), start))
return DataSet(self[start:end:None])
def parse(self, dataFile):
"""Parse `dataresource` string and return tuple (preamble, data).
dataFile (str): datafile to be parsed, as string
(preamble, data) (tuple):
`preamble` is dictionary obtained by converting datafile preamble
items into dictionary items like this::
y1 = AC from datafile goes into {'y1' : 'AC', ...}
`data` is actual numerical grid of experimental data converted
into list of lists.
# [First] parsing the formatted ASCII file
desc = {} # description preamble (reference, kinematics, ...)
data = [] # actual data grid x1 x2 ... y1 dy1_stat dy1_syst ...
for dataFileLine in dataFile.splitlines():
# remove comments
dataFileLine = dataFileLine.split('#')[0]
# only lines with '=' (premble) or with numbers only (data grid) are parsed
if re.search(r'=', dataFileLine):
# converting preamble line into dictionary item
desctpl = tuple([s.strip() for s in dataFileLine.split("=")])
desc[desctpl[0]] = desctpl[1]
if re.match(r'([ \t]*[-\.\d]+[ \t\r]+)+', dataFileLine):
data.append([float(num) for num in dataFileLine.split()])
return desc, data
def df(self):
"""Return pandas DataFrame of a DataSet."""
attrs = ['observable', 'collaboration', 'id', 'x', 'eta',
'xi', 'xB', 'Q2', 't', 'tm', 'in1energy', 'W',
'phi', 'FTn', 'varFTn', 'val',
'err', 'errminus', 'errplus', 'errstat', 'errsyst', 'errnorm']
dat = []
for pt in self:
row = []
for atr in attrs:
if hasattr(pt, atr):
row.append(getattr(pt, atr))
return pd.DataFrame(dat, columns=attrs+['pt', ])
def _str2num(s: str) -> Union[int, float]:
"""Convert string to number, taking care if it should be int or float.
s: string to be converted
number Union[int, float]
if "." in s:
return float(s)
return int(s)
def _complete_xBWQ2(kin):
"""Make trio {xB, W, Q2} complete if two of them are given in 'kin'."""
if 'W' in kin and 'Q2' in kin and 'xB' not in kin:
kin.xB = kin.Q2 / (kin.W**2 + kin.Q2 - Mp2)
elif 'xB' in kin and 'Q2' in kin and 'W' not in kin:
kin.W = math.sqrt(kin.Q2 / kin.xB - kin.Q2 + Mp2)
elif 'xB' in kin and 'W' in kin and 'Q2' not in kin:
kin.Q2 = kin.xB * (kin.W**2 - Mp2) / (1. - kin.xB)
raise KinematicsError('Exactly two of {xB, W, Q2} should be given.')
def _complete_tmt(kin):
"""Make duo {t, tm} complete if one of them is given in 'kin'."""
if 't' in kin and 'tm' not in kin:
assert kin.t <= 0
kin.tm = - kin.t
elif 'tm' in kin and 't' not in kin:
assert kin.tm >= 0
kin.t = - kin.tm
raise KinematicsError('Exactly one of {t, tm} should be given.')
def _fill_kinematics(kin, old={}):
"""Update kinematics in place.
Complete set of kinematical variables is {xB, t, Q2, W, s, xi, tm, phi}.
Using standard identities, missing values are calculated, if possible, first
solely from values given in 'kin', and then, second, using values in 'old',
if provided.
kin (:obj:`DataPoint`): datapoint to be updated
old (:obj:`DataPoint`): extra kinematical info
kkeys = set(kin.keys())
trio = set(['xB', 'W', 'Q2'])
if len(trio.intersection(kkeys)) == 3:
raise KinematicsError('Overdetermined set {xB, W, Q2} given.')
elif len(trio.intersection(kkeys)) == 2:
elif len(trio.intersection(kkeys)) == 1 and old:
given = trio.intersection(kkeys).pop() # one variable given in 'kin'
# We treat only the case when one of {xB, Q2} is given and second is
# then taken from 'old'
if given == 'xB':
kin.Q2 = old.Q2
elif given == 'Q2':
kin.xB = old.xB
# We have zero givens, so take all three from 'old'
if old:
for key in trio:
kin.__setattr__(key, old.__getattribute__(key))
# FIXME: xi is just fixed by xB - it cannot be given by user
# There are t/Q2 corrections, cf. BMK Eq. (4), but they are
# formally higher twist and it is maybe sensible to DEFINE xi,
# the argument of CFF, as follows:
if 'xB' in kin:
kin.xi = kin.xB / (2. - kin.xB)
duo = set(['t', 'tm'])
if len(duo.intersection(kkeys)) == 2:
raise KinematicsError('Overdetermined set {t, tm=-t} given.')
elif len(duo.intersection(kkeys)) == 1:
# We have zero givens, so take both from 'old'
if old:
for key in duo:
kin.__setattr__(key, old.__getattribute__(key))
# s is just copied from old, if there is one
if old and 's' in old:
kin.s = old.s
# phi and varphi are copied from old, if possible and necessary
if 'phi' not in kin and 'phi' in old:
kin.phi = old.phi
if 'varphi' not in kin and 'varphi' in old:
kin.varphi = old.varphi
def select(dataset: DataSet, criteria: List[str] = [], logic='AND'):
"""Filter point of dataset satisfying criteria.
dataset: DataSet or any collection of DataPoints
criteria: list of strings describing selection criteria
logic: 'AND' or 'OR': how to logically combine criteria
DataSet of DataPoints satisfying criterion.
criteria=['xB > 0.1', 'observable == ALU']
selected = []
for pt in dataset:
if logic == 'OR':
for criterion in criteria:
if eval('pt.'+criterion):
elif logic == 'AND':
ok = True
for criterion in criteria:
if not eval('pt.'+criterion):
ok = False
if ok:
# convert list to DataSet instance
tmp = DataSet(selected)
tmp.__dict__ = dataset.__dict__.copy() # transfer the attributes
return tmp
def list_data(ids):
"""List basic info about datasets specified by id numbers."""
if not isinstance(ids, list):
ids = [ids]
for id in ids:
dt = dset[id]
ref = dt.reference.replace('arXiv:', '').replace('hep-ex', '').replace(
'nucl-ex', '').replace(
'from Morgan Murray, draft_90@hermes.desy.de, J. Burns and M. Murray',
'Morgan M.').replace('v1', '').replace(
'F. Ellinghaus, QCD02', 'Frank E.').replace(
'PRELIMINARY', 'prelim.').strip('[]/ ')
ref2 = dt.reference2
except AttributeError:
ref2 = ''
print('[%3i] %8s %3i %9s %10s %s' % (
dt.id, dt.collaboration, len(dt), dt.observable, ref, ref2))
except KeyError:
def describe_data(pts):
"""Print observables and where they come from."""
all = []
print("{:2s} x {:6s} {:6s} {:4s} {:3s} {:12s}".format(
'npt', 'obs', 'collab', 'FTn', 'id', 'ref.'))
for pt in pts:
props = []
for prop in ['observable', 'collaboration', 'FTn', 'id', 'reference']:
if hasattr(pt, prop):
props.append(str(getattr(pt, prop)))
tot = len(all)
uniqs = set(all)
cc = 0
for uniq in sorted(uniqs):
n = all.count(uniq)
cc += n
print("{:2d} x {:6s} {:6s} {:4s} {:3s} {:12s}".format(n, *uniq))
assert cc == tot
print("TOTAL = {}".format(tot))
def FTF(data, testdata=None, cosmax=None, sinmax=None, inverse=False):
"""Fourier series fit to data (takes and returns pandas dataframe).
cosmax, sinmax - index of highest harmonics
inverse = True - data values ARE harmonics, calculate function(phi)
N = len(data)
# If length of series is not specified by the user, use maximal one
# which makes this fit equal to DFT
if not cosmax and not (cosmax == 0):
cosmax = int((N-1)/2.) # maximal cos harmonic
if not sinmax and not (sinmax == 0):
sinmax = cosmax + ((N-1) % 2) # maximal sin harmonic
nharm = 1 + cosmax + sinmax # number of harmonics
if isinstance(testdata, pd.DataFrame):
A = np.array([[np.cos(n*phi) for n in range(cosmax+1)] + [np.sin(n*phi) for n in range(1,sinmax+1)] for phi in testdata.phi.values])
# take phis from first argument data
A = np.array([[np.cos(n*phi) for n in range(cosmax+1)] + [np.sin(n*phi) for n in range(1,sinmax+1)] for phi in data.phi.values])
B = data.val.values
if not inverse:
res = np.linalg.lstsq(A, B, rcond=None)
#print "Sum of residuals = {}".format(res[1])
z = np.zeros(N-len(res[0]), dtype=A.dtype)
vals = np.concatenate((res[0], z), axis=0)
df = pd.DataFrame({'phi': data.phi.values, 'val': vals})
#print "Number of harmonics = {}".format(nharm)
if isinstance(testdata, pd.DataFrame):
res = np.dot(A, B[:nharm])
df = pd.DataFrame({'phi': testdata.phi.values, 'val': testdata.val.values, 'pred': res})
# we invert on phis of first argument
res = np.dot(A, B[:nharm])
df = pd.DataFrame({'phi': data.phi.values, 'val': res})
return df
def FTFMC(data, nsamples=100, cosmax=None, sinmax=None, inverse=False):
"""Fourier series fit to data with MC error propagation (takes and returns pandas dataframe).
cosmax: index of highest cosine harmonic
sinmax: index of highest sine harmonics
inverse: if True data values ARE harmonics, calculate function(phi) (default: False)
N = len(data)
# If length of series is not specified by the user, use maximal one
# which makes this fit equal to DFT
if not cosmax and not (cosmax == 0):
cosmax = int((N-1)/2.) # maximal cos harmonic
if not sinmax and not (sinmax == 0):
sinmax = cosmax + ((N-1) % 2) # maximal sin harmonic
nharm = 1 + cosmax + sinmax # number of harmonics
A = np.array([[np.cos(n*phi) for n in range(cosmax+1)] + [np.sin(n*phi) for n in range(1,sinmax+1)] for phi in data.phi.values])
B = np.transpose((np.ones((nsamples,N))*data.val.values + np.random.randn(nsamples,N)*data.err.values)) # replicas
if not inverse:
res = np.linalg.lstsq(A, B, rcond=None)
z = np.zeros((nsamples, N-len(res[0])), dtype=A.dtype)
vals = np.concatenate((res[0].T, z), axis=1)
df = pd.DataFrame({'phi': data.phi.values, 'val': vals.mean(axis=0), 'err': vals.std(axis=0)})
#print "Number of harmonics = {}".format(nharm)
res = np.dot(A, B[:nharm])
df = pd.DataFrame({'phi': data.phi.values, 'val': res.mean(axis=1), 'err': res.std(axis=1)})
return df
def cvsets(df_in, nfolds=3, shuffle=True):
"""Return n-fold cross-validation sets [(train1, valid1), (train2, valid2), ...].
Copies data.
if shuffle:
df = df_in.reindex(np.random.permutation(df_in.index))
df = df_in.copy()
# stolen from sklearn
n = len(df)
fold_sizes = (n // nfolds) * np.ones(nfolds, dtype=int)
fold_sizes[:n % nfolds] += 1
current = 0
chunks = []
for fold_size in fold_sizes:
start, stop = current, current + fold_size
#yield obj.idxs[start:stop]
current = stop
sets = []
for f in range(nfolds):
train = pd.concat([ch for j, ch in enumerate(chunks) if j != f])
sets.append([train, chunks[f]])
return sets
def FTanalyse(bins, HMAX=3, nf=4, Nrep=1):
"""Determine the number of harmonics present in bins according to n-fold cross-validation.
bins: dictionary with bins
HMAX: highest harmonic used in searches
NS: number of replicas for MC error propagation
Nrep: number of CV repetitions (probably wrong to make > 1)
nf: number of folds for cross-validation
mins = []
for nn in range(Nrep):
for k in bins:
df = bins[k]
err_min = 100
for CM in range(HMAX):
for SM in range(HMAX):
errs = []
for cvtrain, cvtest in cvsets(df, nfolds=nf):
cvtest.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
dfFT = FTF(cvtrain, cosmax=CM, sinmax=SM)
dftest = FTF(dfFT, testdata=cvtest, cosmax=CM, sinmax=SM, inverse=True)
errs = np.array(errs)
# We divide by npts and not ndof because test set
# is NOT used for fitting, so there should be no penalization
# of model's complexity
err = errs.mean() / len(cvtest)
# However, experiments show that small penalty for complexity
# sometimes improves accuracy (but this is quite simple
# and creates problems with large number of folds)
#err = errs.mean() /(len(cvtest)-np.sqrt(CM+SM+1))
#print CM, SM, err
if err <= err_min:
err_min = err
h_min = (CM, SM)
except ValueError:
# asking too large harmonic from small-statistics bin
# FIXME: switch this to "look before leap" philosophy
nc, ns = np.array(mins).mean(axis=0)
delc, dels = np.array(mins).std(axis=0)
print("Highest extractable cos harmonic = {:.3f} +- {:.3f}".format(nc, delc))
print("Highest extractable sin harmonic = {:.3f} +- {:.3f}\n".format(ns, dels))
return int(np.round(nc)), int(np.round(ns))
# Load all public datasets and make them globaly available
dset = loaddata(ep2epgamma)