"""Deeply Virtual Meson Production (DVMP) observables."""
from __future__ import annotations
from math import pi
from typing import Dict
import numpy as np
from . import constants, data, model, qcd, theory, wilson
class DVMP(theory.Theory):
"""DVMP observables.
Implements cross-section for electroproduction of meson.
def _XGAMMA_DVMP_t_Approx(self, pt: data.DataPoint) -> float:
"""Partial (longitudinal) gamma* p -> V p cross section w.r.t. Mandelstam t.
pt: instance of DataPoint
Cross-section differential in t.
Approximate formula valid for small xB.
# 4 * pi**2 * alpha_em * GeV2nb = 112175.5
res = 112175.5 * pt.xB**2 * (
self.m.ImH_V(pt)**2 + self.m.ReH_V(pt)**2) / pt.Q2**2
return res
class MellinBarnesTFF(model.ParameterModel):
"""DVMP Transition Form Factors modelled as Mellin-Barnes integral."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.rdvmpr2 = kwargs.setdefault('rdvmpr2', 1) # ratio Q2/(DVMP renorm. scale sq.)
self.wce_dvmp: Dict[float, np.ndarray] = {}
# correction factors for NLO expressions
# needed to be able to have some tests w.r.t. old wrong notebooks
# 1. correction introduced below Eq. (20) of 1612.01937. Set
# to zero to get agreement with older results
self.corr_c1dvmp_one = 1
# 2. Prefactors to kill parts of NLO hard scattering amplitude
# Set to zero to kill corresponding part. (For checking.)
self.Q1_prefac = 1
self.PS1_prefac = 1
self.G1_prefac = 1
def tff(self, xi: float, t: float, Q2: float, meson: str = 'rho0') -> np.ndarray:
"""Return array(ReH_V, ImH_V, ReE_V, ...) of DVMP transition FFs.
Only vector mesons are implemented, thus _V.
assert self.nf == 4
astrong = 2 * pi * qcd.as2pf(self.p, self.nf, Q2, self.asp[self.p], self.r20)
wce_ar_dvmp = self.wce_dvmp[Q2]
except KeyError:
# calculate it
wce_ar_dvmp = wilson.calc_wce_dvmp(self, Q2)
# memorize it for future
self.wce_dvmp[Q2] = wce_ar_dvmp
# Evaluations depending on model parameters:
wce_da = np.einsum('skgf,g->skf', wce_ar_dvmp, self.gegenbauers())
h_prerot = self.H(xi, t)
if meson == 'rho0':
frot = self.frot_rho0_4
FV = constants.F_rho0
elif meson == 'phi':
frot = self.frot_phi_4
FV = constants.F_phi
raise ValueError("{} unknown. Use 'rho0' or 'phi'".format(meson))
h = np.einsum('fa,ja->jf', frot, h_prerot)
reh, imh = self._mellin_barnes_integral(xi, wce_da, h)
return (constants.CF * FV * astrong / constants.NC
/ np.sqrt(Q2) * np.array([reh, imh, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
def ImH_V(self, pt: data.DataPoint) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return Im(TFF H) for kinematic point."""
if pt.process == 'gammastarp2rho0p':
tffs = self.tff(pt.xi, pt.t, pt.Q2, 'rho0')
elif pt.process == 'gammastarp2phip':
tffs = self.tff(pt.xi, pt.t, pt.Q2, 'phi')
return tffs[1]
def ReH_V(self, pt: data.DataPoint) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return Re(TFF H) for kinematic point."""
if pt.process == 'gammastarp2rho0p':
tffs = self.tff(pt.xi, pt.t, pt.Q2, 'rho0')
elif pt.process == 'gammastarp2phip':
tffs = self.tff(pt.xi, pt.t, pt.Q2, 'phi')
return tffs[0]