"""GPD models in conformal moment j-space.
j: complex-space conformal moment
t: momentum transfer squared
par: dictionary {'parmeter1_name': value1, ...}
conformal moments of GPD as npts x 4 array, where
npts is number of points on Mellin-Barnes contour and
4 flavors are:
(1) -- singlet quark
(2) -- gluon
(3) -- u_valence
(4) -- d_valence
Valence here means "valence-like GPD". See hep-ph/0703179
for description.
from cmath import exp
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import loggamma # type: ignore
from . import constants, data, mellin, model, quadrature, special, wilson
# ---- Building block - j-dependence ----
def qj(j: np.ndarray, t: float, poch: int, norm: float, al0: float,
alp: float, alpf: float = 0, val: int = 0) -> np.ndarray:
r"""GPD building block Q_j with reggeized t-dependence.
j: complex conformal moment
t: momentum transfer
poch: pochhammer (beta+1)
norm: overall normalization
al0: Regge intercept
alp: Regge slope (leading pole)
alpf: Regge slope (full)
val: 0 for sea, 1 for valence partons
conformal moment of GPD with Reggeized t-dependence,
>>> qj(0.5+0.3j, 0., 4, 3, 0.5, -0.8) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
There are two implementations of Regge t dependence, one uses
`alpf` :math:`\alpha'` parameter (`alp` should be set to zero)
.. math::
Q_j = N \frac{B(1-\alpha(t)+j, \beta+1)}{B(2-\alpha_0, \beta+1)}
This is then equal to Eq. (41) of arXiv:hep-ph/0605237
without residual :math:`F(\Delta^2)`.
The default uses `alp` parameter, and expression is
from Eq. (40) or (41) of arXiv:0904.0458, which takes into account
only the leading pole:
.. math::
Q_j = N \frac{B(1-\alpha_0+j, \beta+1)}{B(2-\alpha_0, \beta+1)}
and is again defined without residual beta(t) from Eq. (19).
assert alp*alpf == 0 # only one version of alpha' can be used
alpt = al0 + alp * t
qj = (
* special.pochhammer(2 - val - al0 - alpf * t, poch)
/ special.pochhammer(1 - al0 + j, poch)
* (1 + j - al0)
/ (1 + j - alpt)
return qj
# ---- Building block - residual t-dependence ----
def betadip(j: np.ndarray, t: float, m02: float, delm2: float, pp: int) -> np.ndarray:
r"""GPD residual dipole t-dependence function.
j: conformal moment
t: momentum transfer
m02: mass param
delm2: mass param - interplay with j
pp: exponent (=2 for dipole)
Dipole residual t-dependence (beta from Eq. (19) of 0904.0458)
return 1. / (1. - t / (m02 + delm2*j))**pp
def betaexp(t: float, m02: float) -> float:
r"""GPD residual exponential t-dependence function.
t: momentum transfer
m02: mass parameter
Exponential residual t-dependence (beta from Eq. (19) of 0904.0458)
return exp(t / (2 * m02))
# ---- Ansaetze for GPD shapes ----
def toy(j: complex, *args) -> Tuple[complex, complex, complex, complex]:
"""Return 'toy' (no params) singlet GPD ansatz."""
singlet = 454760.7514415856 * exp(loggamma(0.5 + j)) / exp(loggamma(10.6 + j))
gluon = 17.837861981813603 * exp(loggamma(-0.1 + j)) / exp(loggamma(4.7 + j))
return (singlet, gluon, 0+0j, 0+0j)
def test(j: complex, t: float, par: dict) -> Tuple[complex, complex, complex, complex]:
"""Return simple testing singlet GPD ansatz."""
singlet = par['ns'] / (1 - t/par['ms2'])**3 / special.pochhammer(
1.0 - par['al0s'] - par['alps']*t + j, 8) * special.pochhammer(
2.0 - par['al0s'], 8)
gluon = par['ng'] / (1 - t/par['mg2'])**3 / special.pochhammer(
1.0 - par['al0g'] - par['alpg']*t + j, 6) * special.pochhammer(
2.0 - par['al0g'], 6)
return (singlet, gluon, 0+0j, 0+0j)
def singlet_ng_constrained(j: np.ndarray, t: float, par: dict,
residualt: str = 'dipole') -> np.ndarray:
r"""Singlet-only GPD ansatz, with ng parameter constrained by sum-rule.
j: conformal moment
t: momentum transfer
par: parameters dict
residualt: residual t-dependence type ('dipole' or 'exp')
GPD ansatz, as numpy array
This ansatz is used for all published KM fits, for the sea parton part.
par['ng'] = 0.6 - par['ns'] # first sum-rule constraint
if residualt == 'dipole':
tdep_s = betadip(j, t, par['ms2'], 0., 2)
tdep_g = betadip(j, t, par['mg2'], 0., 2)
elif residualt == 'exp':
tdep_s = betaexp(t, par['ms2'])
tdep_g = betaexp(t, par['mg2'])
raise ValueError("{} unknown. Use 'dipole' or 'exp'".format(residualt))
singlet = (qj(j, t, 9, par['ns'], par['al0s'], par['alps']) * tdep_s)
gluon = (qj(j, t, 7, par['ng'], par['al0g'], par['alpg']) * tdep_g)
return np.array((singlet, gluon, np.zeros_like(gluon), np.zeros_like(gluon)))
def singlet_ng_constrained_E(j: np.ndarray, t: float, par: dict,
residualt: str = 'dipole') -> np.ndarray:
r"""Singlet-only GPD ansatz, with ng parameter constrained by sum-rule.
j: conformal moment
t: momentum transfer
par: parameters dict
residualt: residual t-dependence type ('dipole' or 'exp')
GPD ansatz, as numpy array
This ansatz is used for all published KM fits, for the sea parton part.
par['Eng'] = 0.6 - par['Ens'] # first sum-rule constraint
if residualt == 'dipole':
tdep_s = betadip(j, t, par['Ems2'], 0., 2)
tdep_g = betadip(j, t, par['Emg2'], 0., 2)
elif residualt == 'exp':
tdep_s = betaexp(t, par['Ems2'])
tdep_g = betaexp(t, par['Emg2'])
raise ValueError("{} unknown. Use 'dipole' or 'exp'".format(residualt))
singlet = (qj(j, t, 9, par['Ens'], par['Eal0s'], par['Ealps']) * tdep_s)
gluon = (qj(j, t, 7, par['Eng'], par['Eal0g'], par['Ealpg']) * tdep_g)
return np.array((singlet, gluon, np.zeros_like(gluon), np.zeros_like(gluon)))
def ansatz07(j: np.ndarray, t: float, par: dict) -> np.ndarray:
"""GPD ansatz from paper hep-ph/0703179."""
uv = (qj(j, t, 4, par['nu'], par['al0u'], par['alpu'], val=1) *
betadip(j, t, par['mu2'], par['delmu2'], par['powu']))
dv = (qj(j, t, 4, par['nd'], par['al0d'], par['alpd'], val=1) *
betadip(j, t, par['md2'], par['delmd2'], par['powd']))
sea = (qj(j, t, 8, par['ns'], par['al0s'], par['alps']) *
betadip(j, t, par['ms2'], par['delms2'], par['pows']))
gluon = (qj(j, t, 6, par['ng'], par['al0g'], par['alpg']) *
betadip(j, t, par['mg2'], par['delmg2'], par['powg']))
return np.array((sea, gluon, uv, dv))
def ansatz07_fixed(j: np.ndarray, t: float, type: str) -> np.ndarray:
"""GPD ansatz from hep-ph/0703179 with fixed parameters.
j: conformal moment
t: momentum transfer
type: 'soft', 'hard', 'softNS', 'hardNS'
GPD ansatz, as numpy array
This is the same as ansatz07, only instead of passing
parameter dict, user passes type string choosing
particular fixed parameter choices from the paper above.
# a.k.a. 'FITBP' ansatz from Fortran Gepard
par = {'al0s': 1.1, 'alps': 0.15, 'alpg': 0.15,
'nu': 2, 'nd': 1, 'al0v': 0.5, 'alpv': 1}
if type[:4] == 'hard':
par['ng'] = 0.4
par['al0g'] = par['al0s'] + 0.05
if type[-2:] == 'NS':
par['nsea'] = 4/15
par['nsea'] = 2/3 - par['ng']
elif type[:4] == 'soft':
par['ng'] = 0.3
par['al0g'] = par['al0s'] - 0.2
if type[-2:] == 'NS':
par['nsea'] = 0
par['nsea'] = 2/3 - par['ng']
pochs = 8
pochg = 6
pochv = 4
mjt = 1 - t / (constants.Mp2*(4+j))
uv = qj(j, t, pochv, par['nu'], par['al0v'],
alpf=0, alp=par['alpv'], val=1)
uv = uv / mjt
dv = qj(j, t, pochv, par['nd'], par['al0v'],
alpf=0, alp=par['alpv'], val=1)
dv = dv / mjt
sea = qj(j, t, pochs, par['nsea'], par['al0s'],
alpf=0, alp=par['alps'])
sea = sea / mjt**3
gluon = qj(j, t, pochg, par['ng'], par['al0g'],
alpf=0, alp=par['alpg'])
gluon = gluon / mjt**2
return np.array((sea, gluon, uv, dv))
# ---- Full GPD models (for all j-points) ----
class GPD(model.ParameterModel):
"""Base class of all GPD models.
p: pQCD order (0 = LO, 1 = NLO, 2 = NNLO)
scheme: pQCD scheme ('msbar' or 'csbar')
nf: number of active quark flavors
Q02: Initial Q0^2 for GPD evolution.
r20: Initial mu0^2 for alpha_strong definition.
asp: alpha_strong/(2*pi) at scale r20 for (LO, NLO, NNLO)
residualt: residual t dependence ('dipole' or 'exp')
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
self.p = kwargs.setdefault('p', 0)
self.scheme = kwargs.setdefault('scheme', 'msbar')
self.nf = kwargs.setdefault('nf', 4)
self.Q02 = kwargs.setdefault('Q02', 4.0)
self.r20 = kwargs.setdefault('r20', 2.5)
self.asp = kwargs.setdefault('asp', np.array([0.0606, 0.0518, 0.0488]))
self.residualt = kwargs.setdefault('residualt', 'dipole')
# scales
self.rr2 = 1 # ratio of Q2/renorm. scale squared
self.rf2 = 1 # ratio of Q2/GPD fact. scale sq.
self.rdaf2 = 1 # ratio of Q2/DA fact. scale sq. (for DVMP)
# Model parameters
all_pars = [
"ns", "al0s", "alps", "ms2", "delms2", "pows", "secs", "this",
"ng", "al0g", "alpg", "mg2", "delmg2", "powg", "secg", "thig",
"kaps", "kapg",
"Ens", "Eal0s", "Ealps", "Ems2", "Edelms2", "Epows", "Esecs", "Ethis",
"Eng", "Eal0g", "Ealpg", "Emg2", "Edelmg2", "Epowg", "Esecg", "Ethig"]
# subclasses should actually set values
for par in all_pars:
self.parameters[par] = self.parameters.setdefault(par, 0)
# Flavor rotation matrix.
# ----------------------
# It transforms GPDs from flavor basis to evolution basis.
# By default, evolution basis is 3-dim (SIG, G, NS+)
# (NS- is not completely implemented yet)
# while default flavor basis is (sea,G,uv,dv).
# User is free to use more complicated flavor structure of model
# Default matrix that follows is appropriate for low-x DVCS,
# with singlet-only contribution.
# For definitions of sea-like and valence-like GPDs, sea, uv, dv
# see hep-ph/0703179
self.frot = np.array([[1, 0, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0]])
# For DIS PDFs:
self.frot_pdf = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0]])
# For DVMP
self.frot_rho0_4 = np.array([[1, 0, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0]]) / np.sqrt(2)
# # [3/20, 0, 5/12, 1/12]]) / np.sqrt(2)
self.frot_phi_4 = np.array([[-1, 0, -1, -1],
[0, -1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0]]) / 3
# # [1/20, 0, 1/4, 1/4]]) / 3
self.frot_omega_4 = np.array([[1, 0, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0]]) / np.sqrt(2) / 3
# # [3/20, 0, 7/4, -5/4]]) / np.sqrt(2) / 3
# For j2x
self.frot_j2x = self.frot_pdf
class TestGPD(ConformalSpaceGPD):
"""Simple testing ansatz for GPDs."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
kwargs.setdefault('scheme', 'csbar')
kwargs.setdefault('nf', 3)
kwargs.setdefault('Q02', 1.0)
kwargs.setdefault('r20', 2.5)
kwargs.setdefault('asp', np.array([0.05, 0.05, 0.05]))
def H(self, eta: float, t: float) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return (npts, 4) array H_j^a for all j-points and 4 flavors."""
# For testing purposes, we use here sub-optimal non-numpy algorithm
h = []
for j in self.jpoints:
h.append(test(j, t, self.parameters))
return np.array(h)
class PWNormGPD(ConformalSpaceGPD):
"""Singlet-only model for GPDs with three SO(3) partial waves.
p: pQCD order (0 = LO, 1 = NLO, 2 = NNLO)
scheme: pQCD scheme ('msbar' or 'csbar')
nf: number of active quark flavors
Q02: Initial Q0^2 for GPD evolution.
r20: Initial mu0^2 for alpha_strong definition.
asp: alpha_strong/(2*pi) at scale r20 for (LO, NLO, NNLO)
residualt: residual t dependence ('dipole' or 'exp')
c: intersection of Mellin-Barnes curve with real axis
phi: angle of Mellin-Barnes curve with real axis
Subleading PWs are proportional to the leading one, and
only their norms are fitting parameters. Norms of second
PWs is given by parameers 'secs' (quarks) and 'secg' gluons,
and norm of third PWs is given by 'this' and 'thig'.
This is used for modelling sea partons in KM10-KM20 models.
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
def H(self, eta: float, t: float) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return (npts, 4) array H_j^a for all j-points and 4 flavors."""
return singlet_ng_constrained(self.jpoints,
t, self.parameters, self.residualt).transpose()
# def H_para(self, eta: float, t: float) -> np.ndarray:
# """Return (npts, 4) array H_j^a for all j-points and 4 flavors."""
# # This multiprocessing version is actually 2x slower!
# h = Parallel(n_jobs=20)(delayed(singlet_ng_constrained)(j, t,
# self.parameters)
# for j in self.jpoints)
# return np.array(h)
def E(self, eta: float, t: float) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return (npts, 4) array E_j^a for all j-points and 4 flavors."""
# Implement BS+BG=0 sum rule that fixes 'kapg'
self.parameters['kapg'] = - self.parameters['kaps'] * self.parameters['ns'] / (
0.6 - self.parameters['ns'])
kappa = np.array([self.parameters['kaps'], self.parameters['kapg'], 0, 0])
return kappa * singlet_ng_constrained_E(
self.jpoints, t, self.parameters, self.residualt).transpose()