"""Wilson coefficients and evolved Wilson coefficients."""
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import loggamma # type: ignore
from . import adim, c1dvcs, c1dvmp, constants, evolution, qcd, theory, gegenbauer
def _fshu(j: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Shuvaev factor."""
# = 2^(J+1) Gamma(5/2+J) / Gamma(3/2) / Gamma(3+J) =
# = 2^N Gamma(3/2+N) / Gamma(3/2) / Gamma(2+N)
return (2**(j+1) * np.exp(loggamma(2.5 + j)
- loggamma(3 + j) - loggamma(3/2)))
def calc_wc(m: theory.Theory, process_class: str):
"""Calculate Wilson coeffs.
m: instance of the Theory class
process_class: 'DIS', 'DVCS' or 'DVMP'
wc[s, k, p, a]: s in range(npws), k in range(npts), p in [LO, NLO],
a in [Q, G, NSP, NSM]
# Initialize array of correct shape with complex zeros
nebas = len(m.evolution_basis)
wc = np.zeros((m.npws, m.npts, m.p + 1, nebas), dtype=complex)
# LO hard scattering coefs are equal to 1 for all flavors ...
wc[:, :, 0, :] = np.ones_like(wc[:, :, 0, :])
# ... apart from gluons which are now set to zero:
if 'G' in m.evolution_basis:
wc[:, :, 0, m.evolution_basis.index('G')] = np.zeros_like(wc[:, :, 0, 0])
# Calculate NLO coefs if needed:
if m.p == 1:
# FIXME: C1 should calculate what's needed and we should not cut here
wc[:, :, 1, :] = c1dvcs.C1(m, process_class)[..., :nebas]
if process_class == 'DIS':
prefac = np.ones_like(m.jpoints_pws)
elif process_class == 'DVCS':
prefac = _fshu(m.jpoints_pws)
raise ValueError('process_class {} is not "DIS" or "DVCS"!'.format(process_class))
wc = np.einsum('sk,skpa->skpa', prefac, wc)
return wc
def calc_wc_dvmp(m: theory.Theory, g: int):
"""Calculate Wilson coeffs for DVMP.
m: instance of the Theory class
g: index of DA Gegenbauer moment (often k in published papers)
wc[s, k, p, f]: s in range (npws), k in range(npts), p in [LO, NLO], f in [Q,G,NSP]
nebas = len(m.evolution_basis) # GPD, not DA
wc = np.zeros((m.npws, m.npts, m.p + 1, nebas), dtype=complex)
j = m.jpoints_pws
fshu = _fshu(j)
# Normalizations. Factor 3 is from normalization of DA, so not NC
# See p. 37, 39 of "Towards DVMP" paper. Eq. (3.62c)
# FIXME: NSP normalizations for DVMP not checked yet
quark_norm = 3 * fshu
gluon_norm = 3 * fshu * 2 / constants.CF / (j + 3)
# Normalizations are chosen so that LO is normalized to:
wc[:, :, 0, 0] = quark_norm * np.ones_like(j) / m.nf # Q
wc[:, :, 0, 1] = gluon_norm * np.ones_like(j) # G
wc[:, :, 0, 2] = quark_norm * np.ones_like(j) # NSP ?!
if m.p == 1:
qp1, ps1, g1 = c1dvmp.c1dvmp(m, 1, j, g)
q1 = qp1/m.nf + ps1
nsp1 = qp1
wc[:, :, 1, 0] = quark_norm * q1 # Q
wc[:, :, 1, 1] = gluon_norm * g1 # Q
wc[:, :, 1, 2] = quark_norm * nsp1 # NSP ?!
return wc
def calc_pj(m: theory.Theory, x: float, eta: float):
"""Calculate gegenbauer p_j to transform GPD from j to x space.
m: instance of the Theory class
x, eta: GPD kinematical variables
p_j[s, k, a]: s in range(npws), k in range(npts),
a in [Q, G, ...] i.e. m.evolution_basis
Check conventions for various quark combinations.
# FIXME: vectorize p_j more universally so this looping is not needed
pj = []
for j in m.jpoints_pws:
pjf = []
rest_ebas = 0 # index of next item in evolution basis
pjQ = gegenbauer.p_j(j, x, eta, 3/2)
if 'G' in m.evolution_basis:
pjG = - gegenbauer.p_j(j-1, x, eta, 5/2) # FIXME: sign?!
rest_ebas = 2 # we processed first two items
rest_of_basis = m.evolution_basis[rest_ebas:] # may be empty if only SI neded
for k, item in enumerate(rest_of_basis):
pj.append(np.stack(pjf, axis=1))
return np.stack(pj, axis=0)
def calc_wce(m: theory.Theory, Q2: float, process_class: str):
"""Calculate evolved Wilson coeffs for given Q2, for all PWs.
m: instance of the Theory
Q2: process scale (so renormalization scale is
Q2/m.rr2 and factorization scale is Q2/m.rf2)
process_class: 'DIS' or 'DVCS'
wce[s,k,b]: s in range(npwmax), k in range(npts), b in [Q,G,NSP]
# alpha_strong/2pi at renormalization, factorization and input scales:
asmur2 = qcd.as2pf(m.p, m.nf, Q2/m.rr2, m.asp[m.p], m.r20)
asmuf2 = qcd.as2pf(m.p, m.nf, Q2/m.rf2, m.asp[m.p], m.r20)
asQ02 = qcd.as2pf(m.p, m.nf, m.Q02, m.asp[m.p], m.r20)
R = asmuf2/asQ02
wc = calc_wc(m, process_class)
evola = evolution.evolop(m, R, process_class)
p_mat = np.array([[1,],]) # LO version of p_mat, see below
if m.p == 1:
# p_mat: matrix that combines (LO, NLO) evolution operator and Wilson coeffs
# while canceling NNLO term NLO*NLO:
p_mat = np.array([[1, asmuf2], [asmur2, 0]])
# 3. evolved Wilson coeff.
wce = np.einsum('skpa,pq,skqab->skb', wc, p_mat, evola)
return wce[..., :3]
def calc_wce_dvmp(m: theory.Theory, Q2: float):
"""Calculate evolved DVMP Wilson coeffs for given Q2, for all PWs.
m: instance of the Theory
Q2: default renormalization and factorization scale
(can be changed with m.rdvmpr2, m.rf2 and m.rdaf2)
wce[s,k,g,j]: s in range(npwmax), k in range(npts),
g in gegens, j in [Q,G,NSP]
Code duplication, merge with calc_wce()
process_class = 'DVMP'
# alpha_strong/2pi at various scales:
asmur2 = qcd.as2pf(m.p, m.nf, Q2/m.rdvmpr2, m.asp[m.p], m.r20)
asmuf2 = qcd.as2pf(m.p, m.nf, Q2/m.rf2, m.asp[m.p], m.r20)
asQ02 = qcd.as2pf(m.p, m.nf, m.Q02, m.asp[m.p], m.r20)
R = asmuf2/asQ02
# DA
asdamuf2 = qcd.as2pf(m.p, m.nf, Q2/m.rdaf2, m.asp[m.p], m.r20)
asdaQ02 = qcd.as2pf(m.p, m.nf, m.daQ02, m.asp[m.p], m.r20)
RDA = asdamuf2/asdaQ02
# unfortunately c1dvmp doesn't accept numpy array of Gegenbauers
# so we have to build wc like this:
wc = []
for g in m.gpoints:
wc.append(calc_wc_dvmp(m, g))
wc = np.stack(wc, axis=0) # gegenbauer index is first
# FIXME: next line is NS^+ to get agreement with tests but rho is C=-1
evola_da = evolution.evolop_da(m, RDA, prty=+1) # +1->-1 !!
evola = evolution.evolop(m, R, process_class)
# p_mat: matrix that combines (LO, NLO) evolution operator and Wilson coeffs
# while canceling NNLO term NLO*NLO:
p_mat = np.array([1]).reshape((1, 1, 1)) # LO
if m.p == 1:
p_mat = np.zeros((2, 2, 2))
p_mat[0, 0, 0] = 1.
p_mat[1, 0, 0] = asmur2
p_mat[0, 1, 0] = asmuf2
p_mat[0, 0, 1] = asdamuf2
# 3. evolved Wilson coeff. (evola for GPD, evola_ns for DA)
wce = np.einsum('gskpi,pqr,skqij,gr->skgj', wc, p_mat, evola, evola_da)
return wce
def calc_j2x(m: theory.Theory, x: float, eta: float, Q2: float):
"""Calculate j2x coeffs, combined with evolution operator.
m: instance of the Theory
x: long. momentum fraction argument of GPD
eta: skewness
Q2: final evolution scale
wce[s,k,i,j]: s in range(npwmax); k in range(npts); i,j in [Q,G,NSP]
Implement general (eta != x) j to x transform.
asmuf2 = qcd.as2pf(m.p, m.nf, Q2/m.rf2, m.asp[m.p], m.r20)
asQ02 = qcd.as2pf(m.p, m.nf, m.Q02, m.asp[m.p], m.r20)
R = asmuf2/asQ02
nebas = len(m.evolution_basis)
wc = np.zeros((m.npws, m.npts, m.p + 1, nebas), dtype=complex)
if eta < 1e-8:
# forward limit, PDF-like
one = np.ones_like(wc[:, :, 0, 0])
rest_ebas = 0
if 'G' in m.evolution_basis:
wc[:, :, 0, 0] = one # Q
wc[:, :, 0, 1] = x * one # G
rest_ebas = 2
rest_of_basis = m.evolution_basis[rest_ebas:]
for k, item in enumerate(rest_of_basis):
wc[:, :, 0, rest_ebas + k] = one # NS
evola = evolution.evolop(m, R, 'DIS')
elif abs(eta-x) < 1e-8:
# cross-over, border eta=x limit
j = m.jpoints_pws
fshu = _fshu(j)
wc[:, :, 0, 0] = fshu # Q
wc[:, :, 0, 1] = fshu*2*x/(3+j) # G
# NSP is left to be zero before normalization can be checked!
evola = evolution.evolop(m, R, 'DVCS')
# FIXME: a bit of a kludge follows
pj = np.squeeze(calc_pj(m, x, eta))
if pj.ndim == 2:
wc[:, :, 0, 0] = pj / np.sin(np.pi * (m.jpoints_pws + 1))
wc[:, :, 0, :] = np.einsum('sja,sj->sja', pj,
1 / np.sin(np.pi * (m.jpoints_pws + 1)))
evola = evolution.evolop(m, R, 'DVCS')
p_mat = np.array([[1,],]) # LO
if m.p == 1:
p_mat = np.array([[1, asmuf2], [0, 0]])
# Return evolved Wilson coeff.
# Note the difference w.r.t. usual wce, where we have inner product of
# wc and evola, while here we have element-wise product, so that we
# are in gpd.py able to get separately quark and gluon GPDs in x-space
wce = np.einsum('skpa,pq,skqab->skab', wc, p_mat, evola)
return wce