Most of the code was written by Krešimir Kumerički, who is also resposible for all the bugs.
Many non-trivial parts of the code were cross-checked by independent code implementation of formulas by Dieter Müller, Kornelija Passek-Kumerički, and Marija Čuić.
Development of Gepard was supported by the following projects:
Revealing generalized parton distributions, funded by German Science Foundation under the project number DFG 436 KRO 113/11/0-1.
Matter and Interactions at Accelerators and in Universe (MIAU), funded by Croatian Science Foundation under the project number IP-2013-11-8799.
The strong interaction at the frontier of knowledge: fundamental research and applications (STRONG-2020), funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No. 824093
Revealing the hadron structure through hard exclusive processes (REVESTRUCTURE), funded by Croatian Science Foundation under the project number IP-2019-04-9709.