"""GPD evolution operator mathcal{E}.
Numpy array evol[p, k, j] where flavor index j takes values
in the evolution basis:
(1) -- singlet quark
(2) -- gluon
(3) -- NS(+)
(4) -- NS(-) (not tested!)
GPD models may be defined in different basis and should
provide appropriate transformation matrix
* Array indices ordering is a bit of a mess
from typing import Tuple
import copy
import numpy as np
from . import adim, constants, evolution, qcd, quadrature, special
def lambdaf(gam0: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return eigenvalues of singlet LO anomalous dimensions matrix.
gam0: matrix of LO anomalous dimensions of shape [..., 2, 2]
lam[..., a], a in [+, -] where
+ and - are eigenvalues in singlet quark - gluon space
# To avoid crossing of the square root cut on the
# negative real axis we use trick by Dieter Mueller
aux = ((gam0[..., 0, 0] - gam0[..., 1, 1]) *
np.sqrt(1. + 4.0 * gam0[..., 0, 1] * gam0[..., 1, 0] /
(gam0[..., 0, 0] - gam0[..., 1, 1])**2))
lam1 = 0.5 * (gam0[..., 0, 0] + gam0[..., 1, 1] - aux)
lam2 = lam1 + aux
return np.stack([lam1, lam2], axis=-1)
def projectors(gam0):
"""Projectors on evolution quark-gluon singlet eigenaxes.
gam0: LO anomalous dimension
lam: eigenvalues of LO an. dimm matrix lam[a, k] # Eq. (123)
pr: Projector pr[k, a, i, j] # Eq. (122)
k is MB contour point index
a in [+, -]
i,j in {Q, G}
lam = lambdaf(gam0)
den = 1. / (lam[..., 0] - lam[..., 1])
# P+ and P-
ssm = gam0 - np.einsum('...,ij->...ij', lam[..., 1], np.identity(2))
ssp = gam0 - np.einsum('...,ij->...ij', lam[..., 0], np.identity(2))
prp = np.einsum('...,...ij->...ij', den, ssm)
prm = np.einsum('...,...ij->...ij', -den, ssp)
# We insert a-axis before i,j-axes, i.e. on -3rd place
pr = np.stack([prp, prm], axis=-3)
return lam, pr
def rnlof(m) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Return projected singlet NLO mu-independent P(bet*gam0 - gam1)P.
m: instance of the model
Tuple of three arrays, namely:
lam: eigenvalues of LO an. dimm matrix lam[a, k] # Eq. (123)
pr: Projector pr[k, a, i, j] # Eq. (122)
r1proj: r1proj[a,b] = sum_ij pr[a,i,j] R1[i,j] pr[b,i,j] # Eq. (124)
a,b in {+,-}; i,j in {Q, G}
gam0 = adim.singlet_LO(m.jpoints_pws + 1, m.nf)
gam1 = adim.singlet_NLO(m.jpoints_pws + 1, m.nf)
lam, pr = projectors(gam0)
inv = 1.0 / qcd.beta(0, m.nf)
# Cf. Eq. (124), but defined with opposite sign
# and with additional 1/b0, as in gepard-fortran
r1 = inv * (gam1 - 0.5 * inv * qcd.beta(1, m.nf) * gam0)
r1proj = np.einsum('skaim,skmn,skbnj->skabij', pr, r1, pr)
return lam, pr, r1proj
def rnlonsf(m, prty: int) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return NLO mu-independent part of evolution operator.
m: instance of the model
j: MB contour points (overrides m.jpoints)
prty: 1 for NS^{+}, -1 for NS^{-}
r1: second mu-independent factor from Eq. (117)
gam0 = adim.non_singlet_LO(m.jpoints_pws + 1, m.nf)
gam1 = adim.non_singlet_NLO(m.jpoints_pws + 1, m.nf, prty)
inv = 1.0 / qcd.beta(0, m.nf)
# Cf. Eq. (117), but defined with opposite sign as in gepard-fortran
r1 = inv * (gam1 - 0.5 * inv * qcd.beta(1, m.nf) * gam0)
return gam0, r1
def erfunc(m, lamj, lamk, R) -> np.ndarray:
"""Erfunc from Eq. (126)."""
b0 = qcd.beta(0, m.nf)
lamj_ex = lamj[..., :, np.newaxis]
lamk_ex = lamk[..., np.newaxis, :]
bllpre = lamj_ex - lamk_ex
bll = b0 * np.ones_like(bllpre) + bllpre
er1 = (np.ones_like(bll) - (1./R)**(bll/b0)) / bll # Eq. (126)
er1 = b0 * er1 # as defined in gepard-fortran
return er1
def cb1(m, R, zn, zk):
"""Non-diagonal part of singlet NLO evol op.
m: instance of the model
zn: non-diagonal evolution Mellin-Barnes integration point (array)
zk: COPE Mellin-Barnes integration point (not array! - FIXME)
B_jk: non-diagonal part of evol. op. from Eq. (140).
For NS=True we get array cb1[zn=j] and dependent on zk=k.
For NS=False we get array cb1[zn=j, i, j] and dependent on zk=k,
where i,j are in [Q, G].
It's multiplied by GAMMA(3/2) GAMMA(K+3) / (2^(K+1) GAMMA(K+5/2))
so it's ready to be combined with diagonally evolved C_K = 1 + ...
where in the end everything will be multiplied by
(2^(K+1) GAMMA(K+5/2)) / ( GAMMA(3/2) GAMMA(K+3) )
b0 = qcd.beta(0, m.nf)
AAA = (special.S1((zn+zk+2)/2) -
special.S1((zn-zk-2)/2) +
2*special.S1(zn-zk-1) -
# GOD = "G Over D" = g_jk / d_jk
GOD_11 = 2 * constants.CF * (
2*AAA + (AAA - special.S1(zn+1))*(zn-zk)*(
zn+zk + 3)/(zk+1)/(zk+2))
fac = (zk+1)*(zk+2)*(2*zn+3)/(zn+1)/(zn+2)/(zn-zk)/(zn+zk+3)
nzero = np.zeros_like(GOD_11)
GOD_12 = nzero
GOD_21 = 2*constants.CF*(zn-zk)*(zn+zk+3)/zn/(zk+1)/(zk+2)
GOD_22 = 2 * constants.CA * (2*AAA + (AAA - special.S1(
zn + 1)) * (special.poch(zn, 4) / special.poch(zk, 4) -
1) + 2 * (zn-zk) * (
zn+zk + 3) / special.poch(zk, 4)) * zk / zn
god = np.array([[GOD_11, GOD_12],
[GOD_21, GOD_22]])
dm_22 = zk/zn
dmzero = np.zeros_like(dm_22)
dm_11 = np.ones_like(dm_22)
dm_12 = dmzero
dm = np.array([[dm_11, dm_12],
[dm_12, dm_22]])
gamn = adim.singlet_LO(zn+1, m.nf)
gamk = adim.singlet_LO(zk+1, m.nf)
lamn, pn = projectors(gamn)
lamk, pk = projectors(gamk)
proj_DM = np.einsum('sknaif,fgskn,skbgj->sknabij', pn, dm, pk[:, :, 0,...])
proj_GOD = np.einsum('sknaif,fgskn,skbgj->sknabij', pn, god, pk[:, :, 0,...])
er1 = erfunc(m, lamn, lamk, R)
bet_proj_DM = np.einsum('skb,sknabij->sknabij', b0-lamk[...,0, :], proj_DM)
lamn_ex = lamn[..., np.newaxis]
lamk_ex = lamk[:, :, np.newaxis, 0, np.newaxis, :]
bllpre = lamn_ex - lamk_ex
# bllpre = np.transpose(bllpre, (3, 0, 1, 2))
cb1 = np.einsum('skn,sknab,sknabij,skb->sknij', fac,
bet_proj_DM + proj_GOD,
R**(-lamk[:,:,0,:]/b0)) / b0
return cb1
def cb1ns(m, R, zn, zk):
"""Non-diagonal part of non-singlet NLO evol op.
m: instance of the model
zn: non-diagonal evolution Mellin-Barnes integration point (array)
zk: COPE Mellin-Barnes integration point (not array! - FIXME)
B_jk: non-diagonal part of evol. op. from Eq. (140).
For NS=True we get array cb1[zn=j] and dependent on zk=k.
For NS=False we get array cb1[zn=j, i, j] and dependent on zk=k,
where i,j are in [Q, G].
It's multiplied by GAMMA(3/2) GAMMA(K+3) / (2^(K+1) GAMMA(K+5/2))
so it's ready to be combined with diagonally evolved C_K = 1 + ...
where in the end everything will be multiplied by
(2^(K+1) GAMMA(K+5/2)) / ( GAMMA(3/2) GAMMA(K+3) )
b0 = qcd.beta(0, m.nf)
AAA = (special.S1((zn+zk+2)/2) -
special.S1((zn-zk-2)/2) +
2*special.S1(zn-zk-1) -
# GOD = "G Over D" = g_jk / d_jk
GOD_11 = 2 * constants.CF * (
2*AAA + (AAA - special.S1(zn+1))*(zn-zk)*(
zn+zk + 3)/(zk+1)/(zk+2))
fac = (zk+1)*(zk+2)*(2*zn+3)/(zn+1)/(zn+2)/(zn-zk)/(zn+zk+3)
gamn = adim.non_singlet_LO(zn+1, m.nf)
gamk = adim.non_singlet_LO(zk+1, m.nf)
r1 = (1 - (1/R)**((b0 + gamn - gamk)/b0)) / (b0+gamn-gamk)
cb1 = r1 * (gamn-gamk) * (b0 - gamk + GOD_11) * R**(-gamk/b0)
cb1 = fac * cb1
return cb1
def evolop(m, R: float, process_class: str) -> np.ndarray:
"""GPD evolution operator.
m: instance of the model
R: ratio of astrong(mu_fact)/astrong(mu_input)
Array corresponding Eq. (121) of Towards DVCS paper.
evolop[s, k, p, i, j]
- s is index of SO(3) partial wave
- k is index of point on MB contour,
- p is pQCD order (0=LO, 1=NLO)
- i, j in [Q, G, NSP, ...] i.e. in m.evolution_basis
Argument should not be a process class but GPD vs PDF, or we
should avoid it altogether somehow. This serves here only
to get the correct choice of evolution scheme (msbar vs csbar).
ndim = len(m.evolution_basis)
evola = np.zeros((m.npws, m.npts, m.p + 1, ndim, ndim), dtype=complex)
b0 = qcd.beta(0, m.nf)
rest_ebas = 0 # index of next item in evolution basis
if (ndim > 1) and (m.evolution_basis[1] == 'G'):
# we need singlet flavor-mixing part first
# eigenvalues, projectors, projected mu-indep. part
lam, pr, r1proj = rnlof(m)
er1 = erfunc(m, lam, lam, R)
Rfact = R**(-lam/b0) # LO evolution (alpha(mu)/alpha(mu0))^(-gamma/beta0)
evola0ab = np.einsum('skaij,ab->skabij', pr, np.identity(2))
evola[:, :, 0, :2, :2] = np.einsum('skabij,skb->skij', evola0ab, Rfact)
if m.p == 1:
# Cf. eq. (124), but with opposite sign, as in gepard-fortran
evola1ab = - np.einsum('skab,skabij->skabij', er1, r1proj)
evola[:, :, 1, :2, :2] = np.einsum('skabij,skb->skij', evola1ab, Rfact)
# adding non-diagonal evolution when needed or asked for
# if ((process_class == 'DVMP') or (
# process_class == 'DVCS' and m.scheme == 'msbar')):
if ((process_class != 'DIS') and (m.scheme == 'msbar')):
zj = m.jpoints_pws[:, :, np.newaxis]
znd, wgnd = quadrature.nd_mellin_barnes()
znd = znd[np.newaxis, :]
ndphij = 1.57j
ephnd = np.exp(ndphij)
tginv = ephnd/np.tan(np.pi*znd/2)
tginvc = ephnd.conjugate()/np.tan(np.pi*znd.conjugate()/2)
cb1f = cb1(m, R, zj + znd + 2, zj)
cb1fc = cb1(m, R, zj + znd.conjugate() + 2, zj)
if process_class == 'DVMP':
Vdvmp = np.zeros_like(cb1f)
Vdvmp[..., 0, 0] = np.ones_like(zj+znd)
Vdvmp[..., 1, 1] = (zj+3)/(zj+znd+5)
cb1f = np.einsum('sknab,sknbc->sknac', Vdvmp, cb1f)
# Vdvmpc = copy.deepcopy(Vdvmp) # maybe faster?
# Vdvmpc[..., 1, 1] = (zj+3)/(zj+znd.conjugate()+5)
Vdvmpc = np.zeros_like(cb1fc)
Vdvmpc[..., 0, 0] = np.ones_like(zj+znd)
Vdvmpc[..., 1, 1] = (zj+3)/(zj+znd.conjugate()+5)
cb1fc = np.einsum('sknab,sknbc->sknac', Vdvmpc, cb1fc)
ndint = np.einsum('n,sknij,kn->skij', wgnd, cb1f, tginv)
ndint -= np.einsum('n,sknij,kn->skij', wgnd, cb1fc, tginvc)
ndint = ndint * 0.25j
evola[:, :, 1, :2, :2] += ndint
rest_ebas = 2 # we processed 2 items of evolution basis
rest_of_basis = m.evolution_basis[rest_ebas:] # may be empty if only SI neded
for count, item in enumerate(rest_of_basis):
prty = {'NSP':1, 'NSM':-1, 'V':-1, 'V3p':1, 'V3m':-1, 'V8p':1,
'V8m':-1, 'V15p':+1, 'V15m':-1}[item]
gam0, r1 = rnlonsf(m, prty)
aux0 = np.ones_like(r1)
evola[:, :, 0, rest_ebas+count, rest_ebas+count] = aux0 * R**(-gam0/b0)
if m.p == 1:
aux1 = - (1 - 1 / R) * r1 # Cf. eq. (117), but with opposite sign
evola[:, :, 1, rest_ebas+count, rest_ebas+count] = aux1 * R**(-gam0/b0)
if ((process_class != 'DIS') and (m.scheme == 'msbar')):
zj = m.jpoints_pws[:, :, np.newaxis]
znd, wgnd = quadrature.nd_mellin_barnes()
znd = znd[np.newaxis, :]
ndphij = 1.57j
ephnd = np.exp(ndphij)
tginv = ephnd/np.tan(np.pi*znd/2)
tginvc = ephnd.conjugate()/np.tan(np.pi*znd.conjugate()/2)
cb1f = cb1ns(m, R, zj + znd + 2, zj)
cb1fc = cb1ns(m, R, zj + znd.conjugate() + 2, zj)
ndint = np.einsum('n,skn,kn->sk', wgnd, cb1f, tginv)
ndint -= np.einsum('n,skn,kn->sk', wgnd, cb1fc, tginvc)
ndint = ndint * 0.25j
evola[:, :, 1, rest_ebas+count, rest_ebas+count] += ndint
return evola
def evolop_da(m, R: float, prty=+1) -> np.ndarray:
"""DA evolution operator. Non-singlet only
m: instance of the model
gpoints: array of Gegenbauer indices
R: ratio of astrong(mu_fact_da)/astrong(mu_input)
prty: C parity of DA
evola_da[g, p]
- g is DA Gegenbauer index in m.gpoints
- p is pQCD order (0=LO, 1=NLO)
Merge this with evolop for GPDs. Ugly code duplication of the most
complex part of the evolution code.
evola = np.zeros((m.ngegens, m.p + 1), dtype=complex)
b0 = qcd.beta(0, m.nf)
gam0 = adim.non_singlet_LO(m.gpoints + 1, m.nf)
inv = 1.0 / qcd.beta(0, m.nf)
evola[:, 0] = R**(-gam0/b0)
if m.p == 1:
gam1 = adim.non_singlet_NLO(m.gpoints + 1, m.nf, prty)
r1 = inv * (gam1 - 0.5 * inv * qcd.beta(1, m.nf) * gam0)
aux1 = - (1 - 1 / R) * r1 # Cf. eq. (117), but with opposite sign
evola[:, 1] = aux1 * R**(-gam0/b0)
if m.scheme == 'msbar':
zj = m.gpoints[:, np.newaxis]
znd, wgnd = quadrature.nd_mellin_barnes()
znd = znd[np.newaxis, :]
ndphij = 1.57j
ephnd = np.exp(ndphij)
tginv = ephnd/np.tan(np.pi*znd/2)
tginvc = ephnd.conjugate()/np.tan(np.pi*znd.conjugate()/2)
cb1f = cb1ns(m, R, zj + znd + 2, zj)
cb1fc = cb1ns(m, R, zj + znd.conjugate() + 2, zj)
ndint = np.einsum('n,kn,kn->k', wgnd, cb1f, tginv)
ndint -= np.einsum('n,kn,kn->k', wgnd, cb1fc, tginvc)
ndint = ndint * 0.25j
evola[:, 1] += ndint
return evola