Source code for gepard.fitter

"""Implementation of fitting algorithms."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List
from iminuit import Minuit  # type: ignore

from . import data, theory

[docs] class Fitter(object): """Superclass for fitting procedures/algorithms."""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: for key in kwargs: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
[docs] class MinuitFitter(Fitter): """Fits using iminuit Python frontend to MINUIT2 C++ library. Args: fitpoints (data.DataSet): points to fit to theory (theory.Theory): theory/model to be fitted """
[docs] def __init__(self, fitpoints: data.DataSet, theory: theory.Theory, **kwargs) -> None: self.fitpoints = fitpoints self.theory = theory init_vals = [v for v in self.theory.parameters.values()] names = [k for k in self.theory.parameters.keys()] def fcn(p): """Cost function for minimization - chi-square.""" # Update model parameters. # Note: This relies on Python>3.7 where dicts are ordered!! self.theory.parameters.update(zip(self.theory.parameters.keys(), p)) chisq = self.theory.chisq(self.fitpoints) return chisq fcn.errordef = Minuit.LEAST_SQUARES self.minuit = Minuit(fcn, init_vals, name=names) for k, v in self.theory.parameters_fixed.items(): self.minuit.fixed[k] = v for k, v in self.theory.parameters_limits.items(): self.minuit.limits[k] = v Fitter.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def covsync(self): """Synchronize covariance and theory parameter errors with iminuit.""" self.theory.parameters_errors = self.minuit.errors.to_dict() # iminuit gives covariance table for all parameters, here # we take only free ones: free_pars = self.theory.free_parameters() try: self.theory.covariance = {(p1, p2): self.minuit.covariance[p1, p2] for p1 in free_pars for p2 in free_pars} # determine corresponding correlation matrix, but only upper triangular part since # it is symmetric and we use it only for eye-inspecting correlations self.theory.correlation = {} for i, pi in enumerate(free_pars): for j in range(i+1, len(free_pars)): pj = free_pars[j] self.theory.correlation[pi, pj] = self.minuit.covariance.correlation()[pi, pj] except (AttributeError, TypeError) as error: print("Something's problematic. No covariances available.") self.theory.covariance = None # otherwise covariance of previous fit can survive self.theory.correlation = None
[docs] def fit(self): """Perform simple fit. For better control, use iminuit's functions. """ self.minuit.migrad() self.covsync()
# The following methods keep status of parameters (fixed, limits) # in sync between Theory object and minuit object
[docs] def fix_parameters(self, *args): # noqa: D402 """fix_parameters('p1', 'p2', ...).""" if args[0] == 'ALL': # fix 'em all self.theory._fix_parameters('ALL') for par in self.theory.model.parameters: self.minuit.fixed[par] = True else: self.theory._fix_parameters(*args) for par in args: self.minuit.fixed[par] = True
[docs] def release_parameters(self, *args): # noqa: D402 """release_parameters('p1', 'p2', ...).""" self.theory._release_parameters(*args) for par in args: self.minuit.fixed[par] = False
[docs] def limit_parameters(self, dct): # noqa: D402 """limit_parameters({'p1': (lo, hi), ...}.""" self.theory.parameters_limits.update(dct) for k, v in dct.items(): self.minuit.limits[k] = v
[docs] def free_parameters(self) -> List[str]: """Return list of names of free fitting parameters.""" self.theory.free_parameters()
[docs] def print_parameters(self): """Values and errors for free parameters.""" self.theory.print_parameters()