Source code for gepard.theory

"""Definition of theory frameworks."""

# from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from numpy import array, ndarray, sqrt

from . import data, quadrature

# NCPU = 23  # how many CPUs to use in parallel

[docs] class Theory(object): """Class of theory frameworks for calculation of observables. Args: name: short unique model name texname: TeX model name for (e.g. for plot annotation) description: longer description of the model This is a base class for a complete theory framework. It implements the generic routines for calculation of observables and uncertainty propagation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: # This init is guaranteed to run. = kwargs.setdefault('name', 'N/A') self.texname = kwargs.setdefault('texname', self.description = kwargs.setdefault('description', 'N/A') self.model = self # to make old .m code work self.m = self # to make old .m code work
# print('theory.Theory init done.') # We do NOT call super().__init__ here because object class will # not accapt **kwargs. This means that Theory has to be the last # class in mro.
[docs] def chisq_single(self, points: data.DataSet, asym: bool = False, **kwargs) -> float: """Return total chi-square. Args: points: measurements with uncertainties, observable is named in `observable` attribute of each DataPoint, value is `val` and uncertainty is `err`. asym: if measurements provide asymmetric uncertainties `errplus` and `errminus`, this enables their usage **kwargs: keyword arguments Returns: Total chi^square for points. Notes: If the theory or model provide uncertainties, they are ignored - only experimental uncertainties are taken into account. """ allpulls = [] for pt in points: diff = (self.predict(pt, observable=pt.observable, **kwargs) - pt.val) if asym: if diff > 0: allpulls.append(diff/pt.errplus) else: allpulls.append(diff/pt.errminus) else: allpulls.append(diff/pt.err) chi = sum(p*p for p in allpulls) # equal to m.fval if minuit fit is done return chi
[docs] def pull(self, pt: data.DataPoint): """Return pull of a single Datapoint.""" return (self.predict(pt, observable=pt.observable) - pt.val) / pt.err
# def chisq_para(self, points: DataSet, asym: bool = False, # **kwargs) -> float: # """Return total chi-square - parallel version. # # Warning: # Cannot be used until underlying global Fortran variables can change # during session. (Like different kinematics of data points.) # """ # allpulls = Parallel(n_jobs=NCPU)(delayed(self.pull)(pt) for pt in points) # chi = sum(p*p for p in allpulls) # equal to m.fval if minuit fit is done # return chi chisq = chisq_single
[docs] def predict(self, pt: data.DataPoint, uncertainty: bool = False, **kwargs) -> float: """Give prediction for DataPoint pt. Args: pt: instance of DataPoint uncertainty: if available, produce tuple (mean, uncertainty) **kwargs: keyword arguments Keyword Args: observable: string. Default is pt.observable. It is acceptable also to pass CFF or x-space GPD as observable, e.g., observable = 'ImH' parameters: dictionary which will temporarily update model's parameters orig_conventions: give prediction using original conventions of the given DataPoint (e.g. for plotting) Returns: Predicted value for observable. If uncertainty is requested, tuple (value, uncertainty) is returned. """ if 'observable' in kwargs: obs = kwargs['observable'] else: obs = pt.observable if 'parameters' in kwargs: old = self.parameters.copy() self.parameters.update(kwargs['parameters']) fun = getattr(self, obs) if uncertainty: # We now do standard propagation of uncertainty from m to observable # using simplified procedure pars = self.free_parameters() var = 0 dfdp = {} for p in pars: # calculating dfdp = derivative of observable w.r.t. parameter: # h=sqrt(self.covariance[p,p]) h = self.parameters_errors[p] mem = self.parameters[p] self.parameters[p] = mem+h/2. up = fun(pt) self.parameters[p] = mem-h/2. down = fun(pt) self.parameters[p] = mem dfdp[p] = (up-down)/h if hasattr(self, 'covariance') and self.covariance: # Full calculation of uncertainty for p1 in pars: for p2 in pars: var += dfdp[p1]*self.covariance[p1, p2]*dfdp[p2] elif hasattr(self, 'parameters_errors') and self.parameters_errors: # Just the diagonal part, no parameter correlations for p in pars: var += (dfdp[p]*self.parameters_errors[p])**2 else: print('Theory has neither covariance matrix, nor parameters_errors.') result = (fun(pt), sqrt(var)) else: result = fun(pt) if 'parameters' in kwargs: # restore old values self.parameters.update(old) if kwargs.pop('orig_conventions', False): # express result in conventions of original datapoint try: result = (pt.orig_conventions(result[0]),) + result[1:] except (IndexError, TypeError): result = pt.orig_conventions(result) return result
# Photoproduction - select DVCS or DVMP
[docs] def _XGAMMA_int(self, t: ndarray, pt: data.DataPoint): """Return gamma* DVCS or DVMP cross sections differential in t (array version). Args: t: array of Mandelstam t values pt: datapoint with the rest of kinematics Returns: numpy array of cross-sections """ # same as _XGAMMA_DVCS_t/_XGAMMA_DVMP_t but with additional variable t # to facilitate integration over it. aux = [] for t_single in t: pt.t = t_single if hasattr(pt, 'process_class') and pt.process_class == 'DVMP': res = self._XGAMMA_DVMP_t(pt) else: res = self._XGAMMA_DVCS_t(pt) del pt.t aux.append(res) return array(aux)
[docs] def XGAMMA(self, pt: data.DataPoint) -> float: """Return total gamma* DVCS or DVMP cross section. Args: pt: datapoint Returns: Total or differential cross-section. For DVMP, this calculates only longitudinal_gamma* part. If `pt` has no momentum transfer defined, it calculates total xs. """ if 't' in pt or 'tm' in pt: # XGAMMA differential in momentum transfer t if hasattr(pt, 'process_class') and pt.process_class == 'DVMP': return self._XGAMMA_DVMP_t(pt) else: return self._XGAMMA_DVCS_t(pt) else: # total XGAMMA if 'tmmax' in pt: tmmax = pt.tmmax else: tmmax = 1. # default -t cuttoff in GeV^2 res = quadrature.tquadrature(lambda t: self._XGAMMA_int(t, pt), -tmmax, 0) return res